Products name: Bag Filters
Injection Grade, pharmaceutical Grade, Food Grade,
Available in filter ratings: from 0.5um to 150um
Sealing Ring: Stainless Steel and Polypropylene ring available
high performance of removing particles
excellent performance of filtering soft particles
provides great oil absorbancy
broad chemical compatibility.
With high retention efficiency, high flow rate, and long product life, it contributes to better cost performance.
The filters are available in a wide range of retention ratings to match the specific purity and flow requirements of your process, and to further reduce maintenance as less frequent filter changeout is required.
Bag filters Patent collar provides positive seal.
High quality matierl combined with unique structure design enable to filter over 0.5um particle.
Available for water treatment, fine chemical and micro-electronic application, Acids and bases/Amines/Carbon Beds/Makeup Water/Deep Wells/Desalination/DI Resins/Glycol/Organic Solvents /Groundwater Clean Up/Machine Coolants/Completion Fluids/Photo Chemicals/Plating Solution/RO Membranes/Storm Water/Waste Water/Water flood.
All material is FDA compliant of CFR 21 available for food, beverage and pharmaceutical industry.
Option: Design incorporates no O-rings to avoid potential sources of contamination.
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